Inspired by his love of nature and outdoor pursuits, Kihak Sung founded Youngone Corporation in 1974. Chairman Sung’s commitment to the environment, and an unrelenting standard of quality, have provided the long term vision and standards for our company’s philosophies. As a result, Youngone continues to be known as a pioneer in the outdoor industry, with the continuous improvement of their people and products at the heart of thier operations.

Youngone began manufacturing sportswear and down jackets in Seongnam, South Korea and has since grown to become the premier manufacturer of outdoor apparel, footwear and gear. Today, they own and operate production facilities in Bangladesh, Vietnam, China and El Salvador. More importantly, through the more than 70,000 people we directly employ, Youngone touches the families and communities that have supported our growth for over 40 years. This integrated support system has enabled Youngone to play an important role in the socio-economic development of the countries we work in. Their broad product and service portfolio depends on continuous investment in their people and has contributed to Youngone’s exceptionally diversified group.

To further enhance their capabilities and to encourage and support vertical manufacturing, the materials division was launched. Youngone produces both woven and knit fabrics as well as a variety of insulations that are vertically integrated into the manufacturing process. This allows them to meet the ever changing needs of our customers by shortening lead times and improving quality control. It also helps decrease the carbon footprint required in long haul transportation of materials around the world, which is an important value to their company and customers.